Photos, video links and descriptions of The Lady Josephine's burlesque acts portfolio.
Photos, videos et descriptions des numéros burlesques de Lady Josephine.
Photos by Tigz Rice (#1, 5, 6 and 7) from Burlesque Hall of Fame, Chris Hutcheson (#2) from Toronto Burlesque Festival, Kidd Gloves from Burlesque Hall of Fame (#3 and 4) and Studio T. Adam (#8)
Photos by Honey Beavers (#3) and Ed Barnas (#1) at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend - Queen's Competition 2017, Alan Bailward from an Forever Yours Lingerie event (#7), Edgard Delacroix (#4 and #5), Mark Young (#6)
Photos by Sébastien Lozé at "La Cuvée d'Hiver" in Montreal, Canada
Photos by Jo Gorsky and Vitor Munhoz (center top)
Photos by RamonSSS, Marc Young and Ruth Gillson from the Montreal Burlesque Festival
Rock n Roll Villain
Queen of Hearts